The Leadership in Personalized and Digital Learning program (LPDL) prepares administrators to plan and implement personalized learning in their schools. The program includes synchronous and asynchronous online and components that will enable administrators to experience personalized learning as learners.
The program combines research, learning activities, a learning community, and immersion into personalized and digital learning to guide participants as they develop their own responses to the following topics:
- Knowing Your Why and Developing Your Vision
- Culture and Change Management
- Shifting Teaching and Learning
- Human Capacity and Professional Learning
- Systems for Transforming to Personalized and Digital Learning
By the end of the course, participants will have a better knowledge of how to implement Personalized and Digital Learning in their school. Participants will address several standards from the USBE Leadership Standards including:
- Strand One - Visionary Leadership
- Strand Two - Teaching and Learning
- Strand Three - School Improvement
Program Director

Jared Covili
Consultant for
Digital Teaching and Learning

Jared Covili
Consultant for
Digital Teaching and Learning