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Mastery Connect

Welcome back:

Create your tracker from the curriculum map IN CANVAS. To get started this year you will be linking your curriculum map/tracker to Canvas in order to do that....continue reading

Mastery Connect New Feature

Align a Canvas Assignment to a Standard

Instructors can align a Canvas assignment to a standard in a Mastery tracker for a more unified experience. Additionally, the header in the Mastery Connect student assessment experience is updated. Item flagging is available for Mastery Item Bank (MIB) and Mastery Item Bank Supplemental (MIBS) to enable easy communication when an item requires a review......continue reading

Given-on Feature Added

Teachers have asked and Mastery Connect delivered!  You can now see when you gave the assess.......continue reading


Add your Tracker to Canvas. When you link your Tracker to your Canvas course you can easily navigate to all the assessments in MC, especially the Canvas Quizzes you've transitioned to MC, and attach to assignments.

link to PD on connecting the mastery tracker in Canvas