SchoolAi is a platform that makes teaching and learning more fun and effective. With features like Spaces, teachers can use interactive chatbots to engage students in cool games and activities. It helps teachers create exciting lessons, personalize learning, and track how students are doing. By supporting flexible learning and teamwork among teachers, SchoolAI helps schools create welcoming and productive learning spaces.
Schoolai Spring Cleanup
Now that Spring is here....continue reading
Schoolai Journey - March
Check out the latest edition of Schoolai Journey. Check out some exciting ...continue reading
Schoolai Big 6 in 60 video series
Check out the next video in the series "Big 6 in 60 - Sailing with Schoolai" ...continue reading
Presentations at UCET
My UCET Presentations by dtaylorFebruary Classroom Collaborative Challenge
Check out the February Classroom Collaborative Challenge. ...continue reading
SchoolAI Journey
Check out the latest edition of Schoolai Journey. Check out some exciting ...continue reading
Introducing Schoolai Big 6 in 60 video series
Check out the next video in the series "Big 6 in 60 - Sailing with Schoolai" ...continue reading
New to SchoolAI
SchoolAI gives educators the time...continue reading

Learning Resources
SchoolAI Overview Video
SchoolAI for ML Students
AI Literacy Framework
Basic Space Prompting
Student Space Access
SchoolAI Part 1 Training Slides
SchoolAI Part 2 Training Slides
SchoolAI For Students
Social Media
AI Guides and Resources
JSD AI Framework (Draft): 4 A's of AI
Dept. of Education: AI and the Future of Teaching & Learning
ISTE: AI Exploration for Educators
USBE Artificial Intelligence Framework for Utah P-12 Education
UEN AI Toolkit for Educators