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This November, let's make our classrooms more accessible by shining the spotlight on Google Chrome's cool tools! Live Captions are like having subtitles for everything, perfect for our ML listeners. Switching languages on Chromebooks is as easy as pie, helping our bilingual students feel right at home. Finally, Chrome Reading Mode turns any page into a cozy reading corner, perfect for those chilly fall days. These features make learning fun and inclusive for all of our students!

Google News- November 2024 by kelli.cannon

Happy Halloween! Discover the tricks and treats Google has in store for you this October.

Need to customize a Google app URL for your learners? The Sir Links-a-Lot Chrome extension allows you to easily create templates, force copies, generate previews, or convert URLs to PDFs with a single click.

GEG Utah kicked off the year with their first meetup! Co-leader Emma Moss introduced the annual theme, "Cultivate and Innovate with Google," and showcased Google's Musical Canvas, an engaging student activity blending AI, art, and music.

Eric Curts from “Control Alt Achieve” shared Halloween-themed educational activities with Google tools including:

🎃 Build a Jack-O-Lantern with Google Slides

👻 Halloween Rebus Stories with Emojis and Google Docs

🦇 Halloween Drag and Drop Poetry with Google Drawings

💀 Skittles and Google Sheets Math Activities

Google News- October 2024 by kelli.cannon