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Build Your Own Canvas Course

Explore the benefits of creating your own Canvas course by utilizing this Canvas course resource. By creating a Canvas course for your students, your students can participate in learning anytime and anywhere. You can also personalize learning and give students more immediate feedback. Other reasons to use Canvas in your classroom include ways to organize resources and assignments, track student progress, teach students collaboration skills and elevate their learning experience. Reach out to your school's Digital Learning Specialist or fill out this form for more help.

Build Your Own Canvas Course

To go along with this resource, Larisa Nageli created a wonderful template for student Canvas Cards and also a presentation on how to use the Canva Bulk Create feature to create these cards.  Go through the presentation below to find out how to easily create your Canvas Home Access cards for your students using Bulk Create. Click on the Card image below to access the Canva template.

Canvas Take Home Card w/skyward by Larisa Nageli

Canvas Student Cards

Virtual Learning (Snow) Day

Welcome to our Virtual Learning (Snow) Day Hub.  This resource will provide links and videos to help you in creating engaging online learning opportunities for your students. Below is a video describing the new resource available in Canvas.

Canvas Virtual Learning (Snow) Day by Deanna and Kasey