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DTL Spotlight

Halloween Monster Drag & Drop Activity

In this fun Halloween-themed activity students will get to dress up a monster in costume. They will learn/practice selecting elements, dragging/moving elements, resizing, and adjusting the layers of elements. This activity can also be used to help students learn how to change the color of elements, add additional elements, and use the draw feature in Canva. All of this while creating a fun Halloween Monster in costume!

Click on the image to access the templates as well as video tutorials and written instructions that can be shared directly with your students.

October Canva Spotlight: Monster Dress Up Activity by Colby Hawkins


Our DTL monthly theme is Digital Citizen. One way to help students be better digital citizens is teaching them how to use digital tools responsibly. Artificial Intelligence tools are reshaping the landscape of education and it's up to educators to help students navigate this change well.

Check out Adobe Firefly! Adobe Firefly is a separate website you can find at It's a place where you can come up with new ideas, make cool stuff, and communicate with creativity. Plus, it makes your creative projects way easier and faster to do with the help of smart AI technology.

There are a variety of tools you can play around with in Adobe Firefly:

  • Try the Text to Image to write interesting text prompts to see what it creates visually.
  • Try the Generative Fill tool to edit or alter your images based on your guidelines.
  • Play around with the Text Effects tool to apply endless styles or textures to text prompts.
  • And lastly, the Generative Recolor option is a great tool to alter vector images.

Check out this blog post on how to write effective prompts which is essential when it comes to using AI tools well: 

How do I use a Mastery Connect tracker in a Canvas course?

Jordan School District uses Canvas LMS,  you can link a Mastery Tracker to a Canvas course. You can also create Mastery Connect assessments from within a Canvas course, which creates an assignment in the Canvas course. Trackers can be linked to single Canvas courses as well as cross-listed courses with multiple sections.

Once this connection is made, you will have access to the Mastery Tracker in your Canvas course. This includes access to mastery data, assessments built with 3rd-party item banks, and tools to support competency-based learning.


  • In order to link a mastery tracker to your Canvas course, your Instructure Customer Success Manager (CSM) must first set up an LTI connection between your instances of Canvas and Mastery Connect. If you do not see the Mastery Tracker link in your Canvas Course Navigation, contact your CSM.
  • Parents with a Mastery Connect account may be able to view their student's Mastery Connect trackers and assignments in Canvas if this feature is enabled in their district.
  • If you edit your Mastery Tracker or your Canvas course, your tracker and course will automatically sync overnight. If your tracker and course need to sync immediately, you can sync them manually.
  • If necessary, you can unlink a tracker or move a tracker to another course.

Open Canvas Course

Open Canvas Course

Log in to your Canvas account.

To log into your Mastery Connect account from Canvas, in the Global Navigation menu, click the Mastery link [1].

To enter your course, in the Global Navigation menu, click the Courses link [2]. Then click the course name link [3].

Note: If the course is not listed, select the All Courses link [4], then click the title of your course.

View Tracker in Course

View Tracker in Course

If you link an existing tracker, any previously added students display in the Students column [1].

To add an assessment to the tracker, click the Add Assessment button [2].

To view or score assessments for a standard, hover the cursor over standard title [3] and click the Assess link [4].


  • Creating a Mastery Connect assessment from your tracker in Canvas automatically creates a Canvas assignment.
  • When a student completes the linked assignment, the assignment score displays in the Canvas gradebook.
  • You can edit your Mastery Tracker directly in Canvas.