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DTL Spotlight

In this bundle, there are six Express post shareable templates that you can edit and 3 other video and page ideas your students can build from scratch. Shareable templates are ways you can remix an existing project idea and make it your own without having to start from scratch.  Shareable templates just require simply a “copy and share” of the link with students. When they open the link, it automatically copies and saves to their Adobe account upon login. Just click ‘Remix’, log in, and begin! This bundle has your virtual learning day needs covered.

This month's DTL theme is Innovative Designer. The Innovative Designer standard requires students to use a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful or imaginative solutions.

Check out this video from Dr. John Spencer about the LAUNCH cycle, a K12 friendly approach to the design process.

L = Look, Listen, Learn

A = Ask TONS of questions

U = Understanding the process or problems through authentic research

N = Navigate ideas - brainstorm, analyze, and ideate solutions

C = Create a prototype

H = Highlight what's working and fix what's failing

Next time you have your students use the tools in the Adobe Creative Suite, have them go through the LAUNCH cycle to really dive deeper into the world of innovative design.