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This month, we are focusing on the Creative Problem Solver characteristic of the Jordan Portrait of a Graduate. Creative problem solvers critically analyze information to draw connections and generate multiple solutions to complex problems. They embrace innovation, take informed risks, and use data analysis to formulate effective solutions.

Adobe products foster creativity by providing tools for visual expression, enabling students to experiment with innovative solutions and communicate ideas effectively. This month, we have a fun project idea from the Adobe Education Exchange. The "Design a Web Page to Share a Strong Claim, Analysis, and Evidence" assignment offers students a valuable opportunity to hone their creative problem-solving skills.

In this project, students will:

  • Evaluate Reasoning and Evidence: Analyze texts to assess the effectiveness of arguments and claims, sharpening critical thinking skills.
  • Express Creativity: Use Adobe tools to creatively present their analysis, solving the problem of how to convey complex ideas engagingly.
  • Apply the Design Process: Follow the design process to develop innovative and effective web page solutions that clearly communicate their findings.

This assignment encourages students to think creatively in so many ways. By engaging in this project, students become adept at using the design process to address real-world challenges and generate imaginative solutions.

Explore this project on Adobe Education Exchange to inspire your students and cultivate their creative problem-solving skills!

This year we are using the new Jordan District Portrait of a Graduate as our monthly professional development themes. For September, we are exploring the characteristic of "Curious Thinker. The "Curious Thinker" characteristic emphasizes an eagerness to explore and question the world, seek multiple perspectives, and remain open to new ideas. As curious thinkers, students gather and use information from various sources and value the process of learning, even when answers are not immediately apparent.

To encourage students to become more curious thinkers using Adobe Express, Adobe is hosting a Creativity Counts Webinar series. We felt "Session 7: How can the creative process allow students to embrace imperfection and gain confidence in their work?" could be especially helpful for developing Curious Thinkers.

Engaging in the creative process helps students explore, question, and stay open to new ideas. By using Adobe Express, students can create projects that encourage them to investigate topics of interest and design interactive infographics to present their findings. As they work through these projects, they encounter challenges and imperfections, learning to grow from them.

Learn how to implement the creative process in your classroom culture, allowing students to embrace imperfection and celebrate their unique strengths. Register for this session here:

Cartoon avatar to animate from recorded audio

Adobe has rolled out a new and improved Adobe Express, just in time for the new school year! One of the coolest new features is the Animate from Audio Quick Action. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to try it out:

Here is a quick demo of the animate from audio feature:

Cute, right?! So many ideas for using this in your classroom. You can use it for direct instruction, student self-reflection, or creating original stories, or any number of fun ideas. Can't wait to see what you and your students start creating!


  • To access Adobe Express, simply type in in your browser URL.
  • Sign in using your Jordan District email.
  • Make sure to select "School or Company" account.
  • Start creating!

Graphic has the digital teaching & learning logo in the center with the 6 portrait of a graduate traits written around it on a multicolored background.

Welcome back to a new school year! We are so excited to have students and teachers back in the buildings. This year, our department is using the new Jordan District Portrait of a Graduate as our professional development themes for each month. August is a big introduction to the Portrait and each month we will dive into deeper into each trait with more detail.

The new Portrait of a Graduate in Jordan School District outlines the essential skills and characteristics that students should develop to succeed beyond their K-12 education. These traits include:

  • Curious Thinkers
  • Creative Problem Solvers
  • Engaged Citizens
  • Empathetic Communicators
  • Resilient Lifelong Learners
  • Responsible Teammates

The district believes that academic excellence alone is not enough; students must also cultivate these broader skills to thrive in any career path they choose. Digital tools, like Adobe Express, can play a pivotal role in helping students develop these traits. For example, in the following table are a couple of ideas of how you could use Adobe Express to practice some of these essential traits in the JSD Portrait of a Graduate.

Engaged Citizen: Use Adobe Express to have students create Public Service Announcements about an issue important to their community. Curious Thinker: Use Adobe Express to create a mini-documentary to ask questions about the world around us.
Curious Thinker: Create interactive PDFs with Adobe Acrobat to demonstrate student learning and curiosity. Empathetic Communicator: Students can craft digital storytelling projects that share personal narratives or highlight diverse cultural experiences.

Check back each month as we dive deeper into these characteristics and all the many ways we can use our Big 6 tools to help our students become better prepared to enter the 21st century world.

three students with notebooks and laptop

This month's focus is Global Collaborator. This ISTE standard focuses on students using digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and globally. Teachers can use Adobe Express to enhance their students' global collaboration skills effectively.

In Adobe Express, teachers empower students to create engaging digital content—such as graphics, web stories, and short videos—that can be shared with peers around the globe. This platform supports real-time collaboration, enabling students to work in teams, both locally and internationally, fostering an environment of shared learning and cultural exchange. Through these collaborative projects, students develop essential skills in digital literacy, critical thinking, and cross-cultural communication, setting the foundation for their future as adept global collaborators.

Check out this article "How Students Can Meet Their Peers All Over the World" from Becki Cohn-Vargas on Edutopia that has a bunch of resources if you want to connect your classroom to the wider world and get your students collaborating!

Once you've connected your students, you can use Adobe Express to create posters to illustrate their learning, or collaborate on get-to-know-you video, or design a webpage to underscore their new understandings of different cultures!