Our first video in the series "Big 6 in 60 - Sailing with Schoolai" focuses for this month on Jordan School District's Portrait of a Graduate, Engaged Citizen. Schoolai has many spaces on the US Constitution, Digital Citizenship, and Historical Figures Chatbots Spaces.
Category: Big 6
Adobe Update (Nov 2024)
The "Portrait of a Graduate" from the Jordan School District emphasizes the importance of developing well-rounded graduates who are prepared for real-world challenges. For the month of November we are focused on the "Engaged Citizen" characteristic, which involves contributing meaningfully to society by staying informed, participating in public affairs, and serving others. One way to focus on building engaged citizens in your class with Adobe Express is building a strong sense of community within your classroom.
Community building is crucial for student success, whether you're preparing for back to school or fostering connections mid-year. Students thrive when they feel valued, heard, and understood, making it essential to cultivate a warm and empowering classroom environment.
If you want to brush up on your community building skills, check out this short self-paced course from the Adobe Education Exchange to discover tips and strategies for building community in any subject. Learn simple, effective activities that empower students and create an engaged classroom community. Let's work together to nurture engaged citizens in every class!
Creative Problem Solving with Canva Whiteboards
Check out our latest Big Six in 60 video, where we explore how Canva Whiteboards can boost our students' creative problem-solving abilities. As a district, we’re committed to nurturing "Creative Problem Solvers" as outlined in the JSD Portrait of a Graduate. In the video you will see one of our favorite new features in Canva that will organize sticky notes by topic, making collaboration and brainstorming for possible solutions to a problem a breeze. Let’s unlock the power of Whiteboards to spark student interaction and inspire solution-driven thinking.
Adobe Update (Oct 2024)
This month, we are focusing on the Creative Problem Solver characteristic of the Jordan Portrait of a Graduate. Creative problem solvers critically analyze information to draw connections and generate multiple solutions to complex problems. They embrace innovation, take informed risks, and use data analysis to formulate effective solutions.
Adobe products foster creativity by providing tools for visual expression, enabling students to experiment with innovative solutions and communicate ideas effectively. This month, we have a fun project idea from the Adobe Education Exchange. The "Design a Web Page to Share a Strong Claim, Analysis, and Evidence" assignment offers students a valuable opportunity to hone their creative problem-solving skills.
In this project, students will:
- Evaluate Reasoning and Evidence: Analyze texts to assess the effectiveness of arguments and claims, sharpening critical thinking skills.
- Express Creativity: Use Adobe tools to creatively present their analysis, solving the problem of how to convey complex ideas engagingly.
- Apply the Design Process: Follow the design process to develop innovative and effective web page solutions that clearly communicate their findings.
This assignment encourages students to think creatively in so many ways. By engaging in this project, students become adept at using the design process to address real-world challenges and generate imaginative solutions.
Explore this project on Adobe Education Exchange to inspire your students and cultivate their creative problem-solving skills!
Adobe Update (Sept 2024)
This year we are using the new Jordan District Portrait of a Graduate as our monthly professional development themes. For September, we are exploring the characteristic of "Curious Thinker. The "Curious Thinker" characteristic emphasizes an eagerness to explore and question the world, seek multiple perspectives, and remain open to new ideas. As curious thinkers, students gather and use information from various sources and value the process of learning, even when answers are not immediately apparent.
To encourage students to become more curious thinkers using Adobe Express, Adobe is hosting a Creativity Counts Webinar series. We felt "Session 7: How can the creative process allow students to embrace imperfection and gain confidence in their work?" could be especially helpful for developing Curious Thinkers.
Engaging in the creative process helps students explore, question, and stay open to new ideas. By using Adobe Express, students can create projects that encourage them to investigate topics of interest and design interactive infographics to present their findings. As they work through these projects, they encounter challenges and imperfections, learning to grow from them.
Learn how to implement the creative process in your classroom culture, allowing students to embrace imperfection and celebrate their unique strengths. Register for this session here: https://cvent.me/g2aD9n.